Get started
Get ready to start using Refapp
- Video: Walkthrough of Refapp
- How do I update my Refapp account?
- How do I manage my notifications in Refapp?
ATS integrations
How to set up and use Refapp with your recruitment systems.
- How do I set up project templates to use in recruitment systems?
- Video: How do I use the integration between Refapp and Reachmee?
- Video: How do I use the integration between Refapp and Teamtailor?
- Video: How does the integration between Refapp and Workable work?
Customise Refapp
How to tailor Refapp to suit your organization's needs.
- How do I create new question forms?
- How do I work with Project Templates?
- How do I make a question mandatory in a questionnaire?
Refapp FAQ
Get quick answers to common questions about Refapp's functionality.
- How do I manually add referees in Refapp?
- How do I act when Refapp alerts for suspected fraud in my reference check?