How do I update a Insights form?

If your organization are using Refapps science-based reference forms, this is an article to guide you on how to make changes to the forms.

When using a questionnaire based on Refapp Insights, you have the opportunity to adjust the Insights template for an individual project. For the initial and final questions in the questionnaire, you are able to add, edit, and/or remove any of the questions. But you can also make certain adjustments in the behaviour block.

To edit questions for a project, click on Edit Questions on the form. 

If you want to analyze additional behaviours in a reference check, you can add a behaviour in the behaviour block in Insights. To add a behaviour, click "Edit questions," navigate to the behaviour block, and click on the symbol to edit the block.

You can now choose to add a behaviour to analyze. If you click on any of the behaviours presented, you can preview which questions are linked to that behavior.

Note that you can not make adjustment to the behaviour questions, since the questions are derived from science! 

If you want to remove the questions focusing on Constructive behaviour,  you can do that via the toggle.

Don't forget to save if you make adjustments!